We were a pioneer company (founded in 2003) in the transition and migration to the 100% digital photogrammetric workflow paradigm, we led the technological change when in 2009 we incorporated the first Vexcel camera in Argentina. Renowned for its relentless pursuit of data quality, GenMap produces multiple and varied geoinformation products. It serves both the public and private, urban and rural sectors. For municipalities it offers various solutions for Urban Planning in 3D, public works and many local government activities. In 2017 we adquired mobile mapping technologies land and recently sensors mounted on UAVs platforms. As pioneers in geographic information services, we generate three-dimensional virtual realities from photogrammetric techniques, serving both the public and private sectors. Today, with our new methods for capturing 360 images, we can capture realistic models of the public space to management of urban assets. Our highest aspiration is to help organizations to materialize triple impact in the social, environmental and economic and therefore our commitment and support to FOSS4G. This important amount of data is enhanced using Open Source platforms.

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