Comité Organizador Local

Conference Chairs

  • Malena Libman
    Septiembre 1983 - Abril 2021

    President of OSGeo Argentina Local Chapter’s NGO Geolibres, Chair of FOSS4G + SOTM 2017 Argentina. SDI specialist involved in the National SDI working towards building better FLOSS solutions.

  • María Arias de Reyna

    Java Champion, Senior software engineer at Red Hat, Charter Member of OSGeo, former President of OSGeo, Member of Apache Software Foundation and maintainer of several FOSS projects.

Local Organizing Comittee Volunteers

  • Ana P. Mittendorfer

    Ceremonial technician with experience in organizing face-to-face and virtual events and NGO administration.

  • Andrea Trovant

    GIS Technician. Member of Geoinquiet@s Argentina and Geolibres NGO. FOSS4G-ARG 2017, FOSS4G-ARG 2019. Work at Buenos Aires City Government.

  • Ariel Anthieni

    Founder of Geoinquietos Argentina, Coordinator of the Argentina SDI Metadata Team. Chair of FOSS4G-AR 2016 and part of the organization SOTM LATAM 2018. Member of Geoinquiet@s Argentina and Geolibres.

  • Astrid Emde

    Sol Katz Award, Astrid is involved in several OSGeo projects and in the organization of FOSSGIS.

  • Camila Cuervo

    Graphic Desing student, specialiced in UX desing

  • Carmen Diez

    Civil Engineer and Master Environmental Engineering. Member of Geoinquietos Madrid, GeochicasOSM and QGIS Spain Association. Work at Regional Government of Environment and Spatial Planning in Madrid (Spain).

  • Cristian Zamar

    Fullstack Developer. GIS and FOSS fan. Participate in geospatial communities and events like Geoinquietos Arg, FOSS4G-Ar, SDI Argentina, SDI Formosa.

  • Felipe Sodré Mendes Barros

    Geographer focused in spatial analysis for biodiversity with open source tools

  • Gonzalo Varela

    GIS Developer at the National Geographic Institute. Member of Geoinquiet@s Argentina and Geolibres.

  • Guido Stein

    President of FOSS4G US Local Chapter. Chair of FOSS4G Boston 2017. Geospatial Data Alchemist.

  • Horacio Castellaro

    Geographer, SDI specialist. Member of Geoinquiet@s Argentina, OSM Argentina and GeoLibres. Work at Buenos Aires City Government. Chair of FOSS4G-AR 2019.

  • John Bryant

    Professional geospatial technologist. Conference Chair of FOSS4G SotM Oceanía 2018. President OSGeo Oceanía building open geospatial community internationally.

  • Matías Nahuel Pose

    Surveyor Engineer, specialist in the areas of cartography, photogrammetry, GIS and the like. 1st Regular Assistant - University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Engineering. I work in the National Commission of International Limits (CONALI). Member of NGO GeoLibres Argentina

  • Noelia Junco

    Geographer, GIS Developer and Professor at Buenos Aires City Government. Member of GeoLibres.

  • Priscilla Gail Minotti

    Ecologist and Geographer, interested in Machine Learning and Geo Big Data, Associate Professor at UNSAM University. Member of Geolibres, R-Ladies Buenos Aires, Landscape Ecology Association Argentina.

  • Sofia Nilo

    Geographer, GIS senior consultant. In charge of the National Coordination of SDI Chile for nine years.

  • Steven Feldman

    Trained as an economist, I spent the first 20 years of my working life in building materials before stumbling upon Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in 1998. I have been active in OSGeo since 2011 and chaired FOSS4G in Nottingham in 2013. I am a Charter Member of the OSGeo Foundation, a member of the Conference Committee, lead on the FOSS4G Travel Grant Programme and past treasurer of the OSGeo:UK chapter.

  • Verónica Andreo

    Researcher for the National Council of Science working at the Argentinian Space Agency. Member of the GRASS GIS Development Team. Mentor for OSGeo in Google Code-In 2017 and 2018.

Academic Call For Papers Team

  • Maria Antonia Brovelli

    Professor of GIS at Politecnico di Milano. Member of ESA ACEO, Co-Chair of the UN Open GIS Initiative and the UN OSGeo Committee, Deputy Chair of the UN-GGIM Academic Network, Chair of ISPRS WG IV/4. She received the OSGeo Sol Katz award in 2015.

  • Mariana Gasparotto

    Professor of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) at Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF). Member of the Argentine SDI by UNTREF. Previously General Director of Planning, I+D at the National Geographic Institute of Argentina.

  • Sergio Acosta y Lara

    Coordinator of gvSIG Batoví, a GIS for education for Plan Ceibal (OLPC for Uruguay). Charter Member of OSGeo and member of the Advisory Board of GeoForAll, serving as Regional chair for Iberoamerica and co-editor of its newsletter.

  • Andy Anderson

    Academic Technology Specialist, Amherst College; Adj. Asst. Professor, Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst; OSGeo Charter Member; FOSS4G 2017 Program Committee Chair; FOSS4G Academic/Scientific Committees 2017, 2018, 2019.

  • Álvaro Anguix

    General manager of gvSIG Association. More than 20 years working with open source GIS technologies

  • Andreea Marin

    Assistant Professor at Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest. Charter Member of OSGeo and member of board - the Romania Local Chapter of OSGeo.

  • Anita Graser

    Scientist at the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT). QGIS and MobilityDB PSC member. Creator of MovingPandas. Received the OSGeo Sol Katz award in 2020.

  • Bianca Federici

    Professor of Geomatics at the University of Genoa (Italy). Member of the Executive Board of, organiser of several FOSS4G-it conferences and member of their Scientific Committees.

  • Cristina Massera

    Doctor in Geography, Coordinates the Technical Degree in GIS, Regular Associate Professor in the Chairs of GIS I, Cartography and TSIGyT Professional Practice in Remote Sensing at UNPSJB, Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, Argentina.

  • Daniele Oxoli

    Post doc research fellow of Geoinformatics at Politecnico di Milano. Charter member of OSGeo and active in FOSS4G events since 2015.

  • Hebenor Bermúdez

    Surveyor Engineer graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of Universidad de la República (Udelar), Uruguay. Adjunct Professor of the Department of Geomatics of the Institute of Surveying of the Faculty of Engineering, Udelar.

  • Helena Mitasova

    Professor at the Center for Geospatial Analytics, North Carolina State University, charter member and Vice-president of OSGeo, member of GRASS GIS PSC, regional GeoForAll co-chair for North America, recipient of Sol Katz award in 2010.

  • Ivana Ivánová

    Spatial Sciences Senior Lecturer (all things with FOSS4G) at Curtin University and FrontierSI Research Fellow in Spatial Information Infrastructures on spatial data quality and spatial infrastructures. ISO and OGC geospatial standardisation expert.

  • Luis Vilches

    Professor at Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico). Member of GeoForAll Iberoamérica and ISO Technical Committees. Open Knowledge Foundation ambassador. Participated in European, Latin American, and Spanish projects related to SDI and standards.

  • Marina Miraglia

    Geographer, Associate Professor, Director of Posgraduate Specialization in Thematic Cartography applied to Spatial Analysis and Coordinator of the Area of Geographic Information Technologies and Spatial Analysis at UNGS University.

  • Mario Piumetto

    Surveyor, specialized in geotechnologies and cadastre. Currently coordinates the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the province of Córdoba, Argentina. Director of the Center for Territorial Studies and professor at the National University of Córdoba.

  • Markus Neteler

    Cofounder of mundialis after 15 years as a researcher in Italy. Focus on EO, GIS and cloud computing. Coordinator of GRASS GIS project, founding member of OSGeo and other organizations. He received the OSGeo Sol Katz award in 2006.

  • Msilikale Msilanga

    FOSS4G2018 Co-Chair. World Bank Consultant in Tanzania Country Office focusing on community mapping, open source. A Co-Chair of Africa Geo4all since 2018. Project Researcher and Resilience Academy Project Manager at the University of Turku-Finland.

  • Nicolás Caloni

    Dr. in Geography. Professor and Researcher in the Area of Geographic Information Technologies and Spatial Analysis. Coordinator of the Laboratory of GIS of the Institute of Conurbano of the Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento.

  • Natalia Morandeira

    Doctor in Biological Sciences. Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), working at the Institute of Research and Environmental Engineering of the University of San Martín.

  • Paolo Dabove

    Professor of Geomatics at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). Vice-president of Georesources and Environment Association. President of Geographic Free and Open Source Software Association, the Italian OSGeo Local Chapter. Chair of FOSS4G-IT 2020.

  • Paulo César Coronado

    Professor of computer science at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Charter Member of OSGeo and director of OSGeoLABUD, a laboratory of the GeoForAll Network in Bogotá, Colombia.

  • Santiago Linares

    Professor of Geography. Master degree in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems from the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA) and a PhD in Geography from the Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS).

  • Silvana Camboim

    Cartographer and professor at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. Act on Brazilian NSDI, International Cartographic Association, Geo4All and YouthMappers

  • Serena Coetzee

    Professor and Head of the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. Research ever-growing volumes of geographic information and challenges in making it available, accessible, and usable.

  • Sandra Torrusio

    Doctor in Natural Sciences and expert in remote sensing and GIS. Technological Linkage Manager at CONAE, the Argentine Space Agency. Professor in the regular RS & GIS courses at the National University of La Plata.

  • Victor Sunday

    Lecturer-Geospatial Information Science at University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. National Coordinator at Unique Mappers Network, Nigeria. Member-ISPRS. Community leader for OpenStreetMap, GeoForAll & Participatory Citizen Science, Nigeria.

  • Victoria Rautenbach

    Senior lecturer in the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Scientific research secretary of the ISPRS WG IV/9 Geovisualization, Augmented and Virtual Reality. Co-chair of GeoForAll.

  • Yuri Resnichenko

    Geographer, university professor in Geographic Information Technologies (Facultad de Ciencias - Universidad de la República) and member of the Infrastructure of Spatial Data of Uruguay.

  • Zoltan Siki

    Senior lecturer at the Department of Geodesy and Surveying at the BME, Hungary. OSGeo charter member, the organizer of the Hungarian local FOSS4G events, leader of a Geo4All lab and contributor to OSGeo projects (QGIS, OSGeoLive).

General Call For Papers Team

  • Angelos Tzotsos

    Angelos is a remote sensing expert with background in surveying engineering and software development. He is an active advocate of OSGeo around the world at related conferences. He is currently the OSGeo President and serves at the OSGeo Board of Directors.

  • Andrea Antonello

    Passionate open source GIS senior developer at HydroloGIS, open knowledge enthusiast and Advanced Geomatics lecturer at Unibz, working on AI for environment and sustainability for Aries in BC3

  • Andrea Ross

    Andrea has been working in software engineering for nearly three decades developing solutions across various technology sectors. She has been a charter member of OSGeo since 2008, has chaired FedGeoDay, led the FOSS4G NA 2015 and 2016 conference teams and helped organise many regional FOSS4G events around the world.

  • Antonio Vazquez Burst

    Antonio is an Urban Data Scientist. His area of interest is the application of computational analysis to study urban phenomena. He collaborates with NGOs and international agencies to better understand and gobern territorial processes.

  • Barend Köbben

    Barend is a Senior Lecturer in Cartography & GIS at the University of Twente-ITC. He teaches Cartographic Theory, WebCartography and WebGIS, Geo-webservices, web application building and 3D visualisation. He is Map Editor of Geografie, and Charter Member of OSGEO.

  • Candan Eylül Kilsedar

    Candan obtained her PhD degree in GIS at Politecnico di Milano. Since then, she is working as a consultant at the Bioeconomy Unit of the Joint Research Centre. She is a charter member of OSGeo

  • Gabriel Gaona

    Gabriel is a GIS expert and Spatial Data Analyst for environmental sciences, from Loja, Ecuador. Freelancer, free software, open science and open data activist. PhD student at Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resource Management, University Justus-Liebig of Giessen, Germany.

  • Huidae Cho

    Huidae teaches geospatial science and computing at the University of North Georgia. He worked as an ArcGIS developer for 10 years before joining academia in 2018. He has been contributing to GRASS GIS development as a core developer since June 2000.

  • Isabel Vigil

    Isabel is a Forestry Engineer living in Spain working as a spatial frontend developer for the environmental area of Andalusia's government. She is interested in everything related to Earth sciences and maps, works heavily with OpenLayers, and is a member of several geospatial communities.

  • Iván Sánchez Ortega

    Iván has been a web developer and FLOSS advocate since the early 2000s; then he bought a GPS receiver and got involved in OpenStreetMap and OSGeo. Currently he's trying to put together Javascript, WebGL, and real-time raster algebra on GeoTIFFs.

  • Jakob Miksch

    Jakob is Software Developer at Meggsimum where he builds geospatial applications using Open Source technology. He is co-organizer of the meetup Maptime Salzburg and is active in the German-speaking OSGeo community (FOSSGIS).

  • Jefferson Gonçalves

    Jefferson Gonçalves has a Master's Degree in Agricultural Engineering, and has been working with open source GIS since 2014. He is specializing in Data Science and Big Data. Share his knowledge at

  • Jorge Sanz

    Jorge is a cartography and geodesy engineer from Valencia, Spain. Since its inception, he has been involved in OSGeo, serving different roles and positions at the foundation and local groups. Nowadays, he is part of the Kibana Maps team at Elastic.

  • Josep Sitjar

    Josep is a geographer with a MSc in Environmental Change. He works at SIGTE (Girona, Spain) since 2007 where he specializes in GIS and web development, He teaches 'Remote Sensing' and 'Web Mapping' at UNIGIS. Josep is also one of the organizers of 'Jornadas de SIG Libre', the Spanish FOSS4G.

  • Julia Wagemann

    Julia is a geospatial analyst, PhD candidate and community-builder who promotes the use of large volumes of open meteorological and climate data and open geospatial software. She works together with companies and intergovernmental organisations and runs Jupyter-based training on geospatial data analysis and programming. By co-founding Women in Geospatial+ in March 2019, she follows her calling to improve diversity and gender-equality in the geospatial field. She co-developed a speakers database giving more visibility to speakers from under-represented gender backgrounds and organises a webinar series on career development.

  • Lluís Vicens

    Lluis is a geographer and a team member of the GIS and Remote Sensing Service (SIGTE). He works as a geospatial technician and analyst.. He coordinated the Spanish FOSS4G for a decade and he was member of the local organizing committee of FOSS4G Barcelona.

  • Luca Delucchi

    Luca is a Geographer. Since 2008 he works at Fondazione Edmund Mach with FOSS GIS like GRASS GIS, PostGIS, OpenLayers, MapServer. He is an OpenStreetMap advocate; he is interested in all features about GIS: desktop, web, geodatabase, development and geodata.

  • Luis Calisto

    A FOSS enthusiast for more than 12 years, currently working at Sterblue. Passionate for different technologies such as QGIS, OpenLayers, OGC standards, GDAL and a fan of PostGIS. Recently an enthusiast of GraphQL with PostGIS and Graphile.

  • Luis De Souza

    Luís is a PhD in Computer Science with a research career in Geo-Informatics. He is a charter member of OSGeo and a founding member of the PyWPS project steering committee. Luís has contributed code and documentation to many OSGeo graduated projects.

  • Marc Compte

    Full-stack developer at the GIS service of the University of Girona (SIGTE-UdG) and tutor of the Python module at the UNIGIS MSc in Girona. Also working freelance for companies in fields such as retail mapping, smart cities or indoor mapping.

  • Marco Minghini

    Marco works as a Scientific Project Officer at the European Commission – JRC. He is expert of SDIs, geospatial standardisation and data sharing and he is a longstanding user and promoter of FOSS4G technology and principles in education and research.

  • Margherita Di Leo

    Engineer and researcher at the European Commission, Joint Research Centre in Italy. OSGeo Charter member since 2011. Former GSoC mentor and admin, former GRASS GIS PSC member.

  • Marie Anna Baovola

    Baovola works at the National Geographic and Hydrographic Institute of Madagascar. She has been a promoter of Open Source and Open Data both at work and at the University. In everyday work, she always promotes the use of the FOSS.

  • Markus Neteler

    Markus is cofounder of mundialis after 15 years as a researcher in Italy. Focus on EO, GIS and cloud computing. Coordinator of GRASS GIS project, founding member of OSGeo and other organizations. He received the OSGeo Sol Katz award in 2006.

  • Miriam González

    Miriam has built a career in Geospatial startups. Currently she is doing Partnerships at UP42. She is Geochicas co-founder and President of the Board in HOTOSM. She is passionate about how Geospatial data and EO technologies can change the world.

  • Narcélio De Sá

    Narcélio De Sá is specialized in QGIS and spatial data. He is QGIS Brasil community coordinator, member of the Brazilian OpenStreetMap community and promote FOSS4G technologies in Brazil.

  • Natalia Morandeira

    Natalia is a Doctor in Biological Sciences. She is a researcher at the Institute of Research and Environmental Engineering of San Martín University. Her research focuses on landscape and wetland plant ecology, aided by remote sensing and GIS tools.

  • Newmar Wegner

    Newmar Wegner is a brazilian environmental engineer with a specialization in Geoprocessing and a master's degree in Agricultural Engineering. Currently works in the GIS area at the Fundação Parque Tecnológico Itaipu as environmental analyst.

  • Paul Ramsey

    Paul is a geospatial software engineer with background in Mathematics and Statistics. He has served as a Director of OSGeo and currently works on the private sector providing geospatial solutions to big companies and the defense/intelligence sector in USA.

  • Richard Detomasi

    Anthropologist - MSc. in Demography - PhD Candidate in Demography. R + GIS enthusiast and developer. Professional work and academic interest related to spatial and computational demography, mathematical models of social dynamics and human mobility.

  • Sanghee Shin

    Sanghee is founder & CEO of Gaia3D, Inc and former chair of FOSS4G 2015 Seoul. He is an active promoter of open source, open standard, and open data. He is now leading the development of mago3D, an open source based digital twin.

  • Silvia Franceschi

    Environmental engineer with PhD in Mountain Environment and Agriculture. She works with environmental models for engineering projects related to natural hazards and natural resources, also in the fields of forestry and LiDAR data.

  • Tatiana Para

    Agronomist Engineer, Specialist in Geotechnologies, Master in Development and Management, Mother of Maria and Ben. Working as a Professor at the IFPA Castanhal in the disciplines of Geotechnologies, and, is Founder of the "Meninas da Geo" group.

  • Tina Cormier

    Remote sensing data scientist using FOSS4G to create insights from satellite images and other geospatial data. Charter Member of OSGeo and member of the OSGeo US Local Chapter Leadership Conference steering committee.

  • Tomas Zigo

    Free software user, programmer, advocator and enthusiast. Especially in the field of GIS as a long-term user and a new member of the GRASS GIS software development team. Last but not least, with experience in ecology and geospatial modelling and analysis.

  • Tonis Kardi

    Tõnis is a freelance GIS+IT consultant focusing on spatial data integration with 15+ years professional experience. He holds a MSc in human geography and almost failed his only GIS course. OSGeo charter member since 2017. Based in Tartu, Estonia.

  • Tony

    Economist and land surveyor in Brazil working in environmental and agricultural initiatives and geoprocessing products.

  • Victor Olaya

    Victor is a GIS developer and writer, creator of the Processing framework for QGIS and author of several GIS books

  • Vladimiro Bellini

    Vladimiro is a data engineering consultant at United Nations and Inter-American Development Bank. He has actively participated in FOSS/GIS since forever. He is a member of Geoinquiet@s Argentina and a /OSM/HOTOSM/OCP/Mapschool Enthusiast.

  • Yanina Bellini

    Yanina has a background Information Systems and Data Exploitation and Knowledge Management. She coordinates the Agroecosystems Modeling Network at INTA, is a member of R-Ladies Global Team and MetaDocencia, and has been chair of several scientific meetings.